Friday, October 2, 2015


This works between systems not supported by gui, e.g. between StoreVaule and FAS
1. add license for both source and destination
netapp> license add <snapmirror_license_key>

2. enable snapmirror
netapp> options snapmirror.enable on
source> options snapmirror.access host=<destination>

3. add
dest> wrfile /etc/snapmirror.conf
src_host:vol_src dest_host:dest_vol <options> <min> <hour> <day> <date>

for example, netapp02:new_vol - - 21 * *

or synchronously mirror
src_host:vol_src dest_host:dest_vol - sync

4. make sure destination vol exist, larger than source vol and change its status to "Restrict"
dest> vol restrict dest_vol

5. initialize
dest> snapmirror initialize dest_vol

dest> snapmirror initialize -S src_host:src_vol dest_host:dest_vol

dest> snapmirror initialize -S src_host:/vol/src_vol/qtree4 dest_host:/vol/dest_vol/qtree1

After initialize, the scheduled snapshot copy replication automatically at the schedule time.
(question? if update snapmirror.conf, would the sync time update automaticall? how to verify the schedule?)

6. Checking status
netapp> snapmirror status
netapp> snapmirror status -l [/vol/dest_vol/dest_qtree]

7. manual update
dest> snapmirror update dest_vol

------ after finish syncing

8. break mirroring, make destination writable
dest> snapmirror break dest_vol
dest> snapmirror quiesce /vol/dst_vol/Testqtree
dest> snapmirror break /vol/dst_vol/Testqtree
dest> vol online dest_vol

delete entry in /etc/snapmirror.conf

can rename the dest_vol to whatever and start use it

. make break permanent
dest> snapmirror release
. restore broke relationship
dest> snapmirror resync

other commands:
source> snapmirror release {source_volume | qtree_path}[dest_system:]{dest_volume | qtree_path}
. list snapmirror copies
netapp> snap list vol_name
. delete snapshot copy
dest> snap delete dest_vol snapshot_basename
netapp> snapmirror migrate [src_system:]src_vol [dst_system:]dst_vol
netapp> snapmirror abort
netapp> snapmiiror off

You can change an asynchronous volume SnapMirror relationship to replicate data synchronously by editing the snapmirror.conf file on the destination system. Synchronous replication is not supported for qtree SnapMirror relationships. Therefore, a qtree SnapMirror relationship cannot be converted to a synchronous SnapMirror relationship.

snapmirror over Fibre Channel

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