Friday, October 2, 2015

netapp concept

How Data ONTAP uses ACP to increase storage availability
ACP, or Alternate Control Path, is a protocol that enables Data ONTAP to manage and control the DS4243 disk shelf storage subsystem. It uses a separate network (alternate path) from the data path, so management communication is not dependent on the data path's being intact and available.
You do not need to actively manage the DS4243 storage subsystem. Data ONTAP automatically monitors and manages the subsystem without operator intervention. However, you must provide the required physical connectivity and configuration parameters to enable the ACP functionality.
Note: You can install DS4243 disk shelves without configuring ACP. However, for maximum storage availability and stability, you should always have ACP configured and enabled.
After you enable ACP, you can use the storage show acp and acpadmin list all commands to display information about your ACP subsystem.

Service Processor
A Service Processor (SP) provides remote management capabilities, including console redirection, logging and power control. It also extends AutoSupport by sending additional system event alerts. For example, the SP monitors the system temperatures, voltages, currents, and fan speeds. When an environmental sensor has reached an abnormal condition, the SP logs the abnormal readings, notifies Data ONTAP of the issue, and sends alerts and 'down system' notifications as necessary through an AutoSupport message, regardless of whether the storage system can send AutoSupport messages.

The SP is an integral, behind-the-scenes part of NetApp storage system products, starting with the 32xx Series.
So, for storage systems with the SP, there are two additional types of AutoSupport messages—SP-generated AutoSupport messages about the storage system, and storage system-generated AutoSupport messages about the SP.
SP-generated AutoSupport messages include the following information:
  • In the subject line—A notification from the SP of the storage system, listing the system condition or event that caused the AutoSupport message and the log level.
  • In the message body—The SP configuration and version information, the storage system ID, serial number, model, and host name.
  • In the attachments—The system event logs, the system sensor state as determined by the SP, and the console logs. (The console logs are omitted if the autosupport.content option is set to minimal.)
What systems have Service Processor available to them?
All FAS22x0, FAS25xx, FAS32x0, FAS62x0 and FAS8xxx series storage systems have Service Processors.
Basic commands:
date - Outputs the date and time
exit - Exits the SP session and disconnects the client
events - Commands that report system events and event information
help - Command for help
priv - Allows to show & set the session mode
sp - Commands specifically affecting the SP
rsa - Commands for Remote Support Agent configuration
system - System-level commands from the SP
version - Display the version of SP firmware
events all - Outputs all system events to the console
events info - Displays system events log information to the console
events newest - Displays the newest available system events
events oldest - Displays the oldest system events
events search - Searches and outputs system events to the console
priv show - Displays the current user mode
priv set - Returns to standard/admin user mode
priv set admin - Changes into admin user mode
priv set advanced - Changes into advanced user mode
priv set diag - Changes into diagnostic user mode
sp reboot - Reboots the SP
sp status - Displays SP Ethernet status information (the same output as 'ifconfig' for a specific adapter)
sp update - Performs an update of the SP firmware
sp uptime - Displays the current uptime of the SP
rsa setup - Performs a setup of the Remote Support Agent. Type 'rsa setup help' for additional options.
rsa show - Displays the configuration for Remote Support Agent. Type 'rsa show help' for additional options.
rsa test - Tests the Remote Support Agent configuration. Type 'rsa test help' for additional options.
rsa status - Displays the status of the Remote Support Agent. Type 'rsa status help' for additional options.
rsa help - Displays the Remote Support Agent help menu.
system battery - Battery related commands
system battery show - Displays the system battery status
system console - Toggles to the system console
system core - Dumps the system core and resets the filer
system log - Displays the system console logs on the console
system power - Command set for controlling system power
system power cycle - Toggles the system power off, then back on
system power off - Powers the system off
system power on - Powers the system on
system power status - Displays the system power status
system reset - Command set for resetting the system using the selected firmware
system reset backup - Reboots/resets the system using the backup firmware
system reset current - Reboots/resets the system using the current firmware
system reset primary - Reboots/resets the system using the primary firmware
system sensors - Command set for controlling system sensors
system sensors show - Displays the status of environmental sensors
system sensors get - Displays the status of a specific environmental sensor
system sensors set-thresh - Sets the threshold for a specific environmental sensor
system sensors set-fan - Sets the speed for a specific fan
system sensors monitor - Displays control sensors monitoring
system sensors thermal-mgmt - Sets specific thermal management controls
system fru - Command set for FRU
system fru show - Displays FRU information for currently installed hardware
system fru list - Displays the current list of FRU ID numbers on the screen
Commands available only in the Diagnostic mode:
ping - Sends ICMP echo request packets to network hosts
ping6 - Sends ICMPv6 echo request packets to network hosts
traceroute - Performs a trace route to a specific network host
nslookup - Queries the nameserver for the IP address of the given host optionally using a specified DNS server
gdb ssh - Starts the GDB service via secure SSH mode
gdb status - Prints the GDB service status
gdb stop - Stops the GDB service
gdb telnet - Starts the GDB service via insecure telnet mode
sp log audit - Print SP command history (available in diag or advanced mode)
sp log debug - Print all SP debug information (available in diag or advanced mode)
sp log messages - Print SP messages file (available in diag or advanced mode)
sp fw-test - Executes a test of the SP firmware
sp switch - Executes read/write/dump registers of the SP
sp switch-version - Displays the switch config prom version
sp switch-update - Performs and update of the sp switch config prom
sp hw-test - Executes a test of the SP hardware
sp loopback-test - Executes a loopback test
sp extended-self-test - Executes the extended self test of the SP
sp self-test - Executes a self test of the SP
system debug_port - Displays the debug port status
system battery flash - update battery firmware from an URL image
system battery verify - compare battery firmware against an URL image or default build image
system battery auto_update - query status or enable/disable battery firmware auto update upon next SP boot
system bbsp - Displays the BIOS BMC Status Port (BBSP)
sp ddr-version - sp ddr autoload prom version
sp ddr-update - update ddr autoload prom
system fan - Fan commands
system fan version - Displays fan firmware versions
system fan update - Performs an update of the fan firmware
system forensics enable - enable system forensics collection
system forensics disable - disable system forensics collection
system forensics set-time-limit - set maximum time limit in seconds for forensics collection
system forensics show - show system forensics configuration settings
system forensics log - display or clear system forensics logs
system forensics log dump - dump system forensics logs
system forensics log clear - clear system forensics logs
system forensics config - system forensics configuration
system forensics config clear - clear forensics config file and use default configuration
system forensics config update - update forensics config file from a url
system forensics config dump - show forensics config file
system fru log show - display fru log
system fru log clear - clear fru log
system fru led - led related commands
system fru led show - display fru led state
system fru led set - set fru led state
system mpc - Marvell prom controller commands
system mpc version - Displays the Marvell prom controller firmware version
system mpc update - Performs an update of the Marvell prom controller firmware

Data ONTAP commands for the Service Processor:
sp help - Displays general help
sp help <command> - Displays either general help or help for a specific sp-based command
sp setup - Interactively configures the Service Processor
sp status - Displays the status of the Service Processor
sp test autosupport - Tests the Service Processor by sending an AutoSupport message
sp reboot - Reboots the Service Processor
Clustered Data ONTAP:
system node run -node <nodename> sp help - Displays general help
system node run -node <nodename> sp help <command> - Displays either general help or help for a specific sp-based command
system node run -node <nodename> sp setup - Interactively configures the Service Processor
system node run -node <nodename> sp status - Displays the status of the Service Processor
system node run -node <nodename> sp test autosupport - Tests the Service Processor by sending an AutoSupport message to all ASUP recipients
system node run -node <nodename> sp test snmp - Send test SNMP trap from SP to SNMP traphosts configured in Data ONTAP 
system node run -node <nodename> sp reboot - Reboots the Service Processor
system node run -node <nodename> sp update - Invokes the service processor update process
system node run -node <nodename> sp update-status - Displays the status of the Service Processor update process

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