You make aggregates for various reasons. For example:
- Performance Boundaries – A disk can only be in one aggregate. So each aggregate has its own discreet drives. This lets us tune the performance of the aggregate by adding in however many spindles we need to achieve the type of performance we want. This is kind of skewed by having Flash Cache cards and such, but its still roughly correct.
- Shared Space Boundary – All volumes in an aggregate share the hard drives in that aggregate. There is no way to prevent the volumes in an aggregate from mixing their data on the same drives. I ran into a problem at one customer that, due to regulatory concerns, couldn’t have data type A mixed with data type B. The only way to achieve this is to have two aggregates.
- For volumes – You can’t have a flexible volume without an aggregate. Flex Vols are logical, Aggregates are physical. You layer one or more flex vols on top (in side) of an aggregate.
Response #3
An aggregate is made of Raid Groups.
Lets do a few examples using the command to make an aggregate:
aggr create aggr1 16
If the default raid group size is 16, then the aggregate will have one raid group. But, if i use the command:
aggr create aggr1 32
Now I have two full raid groups, but still only one aggregate. So, the aggregate gets the performance benefit of 2 RGs worth of disks. Notice we did not build a raid group. Data ONTAP built the RG based on the default RG size.
I explain this in more detail in a previous post in this thread.
Response #4
- Volumes are accessed via NAS protocols, CIFS/NFS
- LUNS are accessed via SAN protocols, iSCSI/FCP/FCoE
In the end you can put data in a LUN, you can put data in a Volume. It’s how you get there thats the question.
Response #5
LUNs are logical. They go inside a volume, or in a qtree.
from a NetApp perspective they are really just one big file sitting inside of a volume or qtree.
from a host perspective, they are like a volume, but use a different protocol to access them (purists will argue with that but i’m simplifying).LUNs provide a file system, like Volumes provide a file system, the major difference is who controls the files system. with a LUN the storage system can’t see the file system, all it sees is one big file. The host mounts the file system via one of the previously mentioned protocols and lays a file system down inside. The host then controls that file system.
I normally determine LUN/Volume usage by looking at the Application. Some apps won’t work across a network, Microsoft SQL and Exchange are two examples of this. They require local disks. LUNs look like local disks. Some applications work just fine across the network, using NFS, like Oracle. In the end its normally the application that will determine whether you get your filesystem access through a LUN or a Volume.
some things like Oracle or VMware can use either LUNs or NFS volumes, so with them its whatever you find easier or cheaper.
Response #6
The underlying filesystem is always WAFL in the volume.
when you share out a volume it looks like NTFS to a windows box, or it looks like a UNIX filesystem to a unix box but in the end its just WAFL in the volume.
with a LUN its a bit different.
You first make a volume, then you put a LUN in the volume. the volume has WAFL as the file system, the LUN looks like one big file in the volume.
You then connect to the storage system using a
SAN protocol. The big file we call a
LUN is attached to the host via the SAN protocol and looks like a
big hard drive. The host then
formats the hard drive with
NTFS or whatever File system the unix box is using. That file system is actually
NTFS, or whatever. It’s
inside the
LUN, which is
big file inside of a
Volume, which has
WAFL as its file system.
Response #7
Response #8
You create your volume group (or dynamic disk pool) and volumes (i.e. LUNs) on top of that.
If you have access to Field Portal, you can find more detailed info here:
This is a good picture from one of the presos describing the architectural difference between FAS & E-Series:
Qtrees represent the third level at which node storage can be partitioned. Disks are organized into aggregates which provides pools of storage. In each aggregate, one or more flexible volumes can be created. Traditional volumes may also be created directly without the previous creation of an aggregate. Each volume contains a file system. Finally, the volume can be divided into qtrees.
The qtree command creates qtrees and specifies attributes for qtrees.
A qtree is similar in concept to a partition. It creates a subset of a volume to which a quota can be applied to limit its size. As a special case, a qtree can be the entire volume. A qtree is more flexible than a partition because you can change the size of a qtree at any time.
In addition to a quota, a qtree possesses a few other properties.
A qtree enables you to apply attributes such as oplocks and security style to a subset of files and directories rather than to an entire volume.
Single files can be moved across a qtree without moving the data blocks. Directories cannot be moved across a qtree. However, since most clients use recursion to move the children of directories, the actual observed behavior is that directories are copied and files are then moved.
Qtrees represent the third level at which node storage can be partitioned. Disks are organized into aggregates which provides pools of storage. In each aggregate, one or more flexible volumes can be created. Traditional volumes may also be created directly without the previous creation of an aggregate. Each volume contains a file system. Finally, the volume can be divided into qtrees.
If there are files and directories in a volume that do not belong to any qtrees you create, the node considers them to be in qtree 0. Qtree 0 can take on the same types of attributes as any other qtrees.
You can use any qtree command whether or not quotas are enabled on your node.
More Information
There are 5 things you can do with a qtree you can’t do with a directory and thats why they aren’t just called directories:
- Oplocks
- Security style
- Quotas
- Snapvault
- Qtree SnapMirror
Understanding RAID-DP disk types
Data ONTAP classifies disks as one of four types for RAID: data, hot spare, parity, or dParity. The RAID disk type is determined by how RAID is using a disk; it is different from the Data ONTAP disk type.
Data disk: Holds data stored on behalf of clients within RAID groups (and any data generated about the state of the storage system as a result of a malfunction).
Spare disk: Does not hold usable data, but is available to be added to a RAID group in an aggregate. Any functioning disk that is not assigned to an aggregate but is assigned to a system functions as a hot spare disk.
Parity disk: Stores row parity information that is used for data reconstruction when a single disk drive fails within the RAID group.
dParity disk: Stores diagonal parity information that is used for data reconstruction when two disk drives fail within the RAID group, if RAID-DP is enabled.
RAID Groups and Aggregates
In the course of teaching Netapp’s Data ONTAP Fundamentals course I have noticed that one of the areas that student’s sometimes struggle with are RAID groups as they exist in Data ONTAP.
To begin with, Netapp uses dedicated parity drives, unlike many other storage vendors. Parity information is constructed for a horizontal stripe of WAFL blocks in a RAID group within an aggregate and then written to disk at the same time the data disks are updated. The width of the RAID group – the number of data disks – is independent of the parity disk or disks. Take a look at this print screen from Filerview:
Notice that the RAID group size is 16. This is the default RAID group size for RAID-DP with Fibre Channel disks. Notice also that the number of disk in Aggr1 is actually 5.
When I created aggr1 I used the command:
aggr create aggr1 5
This caused Data ONTAP to create an aggregate named aggr1 with five disks in it. Let’s take a look at this with the following command:
sysconfig –r
If you notice aggr1, you can see that it contains 5 disks. Three disks are data disks and there are two parity disks, “parity” and “dparity”. The RAID group was created automatically to support the aggregate. I have a partial RAID group in the sense that the RAID group size is 16 (look at the Filerview screen shot). I only asked for an aggregate with 5 disks, so aggr1 has an aggregate with one RAID group and 5 disk drives in it.
It is fully usable in this state. I can create volumes for NAS or SAN use and they are fully functional. If I need more space, I can add disks to the aggregate and they will be inserted into the existing RAID group within the aggregate. I can add 3 disks with the following command:
aggr add aggr1 3
Look at the following output:
Notice that I have added three more data disks to /aggr1/plex0/rg0.
The same parity disks are protecting the RAID group.
Data ONTAP is able to add disks from the spare pool to the RAID group quickly if the spare disks are pre-zeroed. Before the disks can be added, they must be zeroed. If they are not already zeroed, then Data ONTAP will zero them first. This may take a significant amount of time. Spares as shipped by Netapp are pre-zeroed, but drives that join the spare pool after you destroy and aggregate are not.
The inserted disks are protected by the same parity calculation that existed on the parity drives before they were inserted. This works because the new WAFL blocks that align with the previous WAFL blocks in a parity stripe contain only zeroes. They new (zeroed) disks have no affect on the parity drives.
Once the drives are part of the RAID groups within the aggregate, that space can be made available to volumes and used by applications.
An aggregate can contain multiple RAID groups. If I had created an aggregate with 24 disks, then Data ONTAP would have created two RAID groups. The first RAID group would be fully populated with 16 disks (14 data disks and two parity disks) and the second RAID group would have contained 8 disks (6 data disks and two parity disks). This is a perfectly normal situation.
For the most part, it is safe to ignore RAID groups and simply let Data ONTAP take care of things. The one situation you should avoidhowever is creating a partial RAID group with only one or two data disks. (Using a dedicated aggregate to support the root volume would be an exception to this rule.) Try to have at least three data disks in a RAID group for better performance.
There is a hierarchy to the way storage is implemented with Data ONTAP. At the base of the hierarchy is the aggregate, which is made up of RAID groups. The aggregate provides the physical space for the flexible volumes (flexvols) that applications see. Applications, whether SAN or NAS, pull space that has been assigned to the volume from the aggregate and are not aware of the underlying physical structure provided by the aggregate.
This is why we say that the aggregate represents the physical storage and the volumes provide the logical storage.
RAID Groups
Before all the physical hard disk drives (HDDs) are pooled into a logical construct called an aggregate (which is what ONTAP’s FlexVol is about), the HDDs are grouped into a RAID group. A RAID group is also a logical construct, in which it combines all HDDs into data or parity disks. The RAID group is the building block of the Aggregate.
So why a RAID group? Well, first of all, (although likely possible), it is not wise to group a large number of HDDs into a single group with only 2 parity drives supporting the RAID. Even though one can maximize the allowable, aggregated capacity from the HDDs, the data reconstruction or data resilvering operation following a HDD failure (disks are supposed to fail once in a while, remember?) would very much slow the RAID operations to a trickle because of the large number of HDDs the operation has to address. Therefore, it is best to spread them out into multiple RAID groups with a recommended fixed number of HDDs per RAID group.
RAID group is important because it is used to balance a few considerations:
Performance in recovery if there is a disk reconstruction or resilvering
Combined RAID performance and availability through a Mean Time Between Data Loss (MTBDL) formula
Different ONTAP versions (and also different disk types) have different number of HDDs to constitute a RAID group. For ONTAP 8.0.1, the table below are its recommendation.
So, given a large pool of HDDs, the NetApp storage administrator has to figure out the best layout and the optimal number of HDDs to get to the capacity he/she wants. And there is also a best practice to set aside 2 hot spare HDDs for a RAID-DP configuration with every 30 or so HDDs so that they can be used in the event of HDD failures. Also, it is best practice to take the default recommended RAID group size most of the time as opposed to the maximum size.
I would presume that this is all getting very confusing, so let me show that with an example. Let’s use the common 2TB SATA HDD and let’s assume the customer has just bought a 100 HDDs FAS6000. From the table above, the default (and recommended) RAID group size is 14. The customer wants to have maximum usable capacity as well. In a step-by-step guide,
Consider the hot sparing best practice. The customer wants to ensure that there will always be enough spares, so using the rule-of-thumb of 2 spare HDDs per 30 HDDs, 6 disks are kept aside as hot spares. That leaves 94 HDDs from the initial 100 HDDs.
There is a root volume, rootvol, and it is recommended to put this into an aggregate of its own so that it gets maximum performance and availability. To standardize, the storage administrator configures 3 HDDs as 1 RAID group to create the rootvol aggregate, aggr0. Even though the total capacity used by the rootvol is just a few hundred GBs, it is not recommended to place user data into rootvol. Of course, this situation cannot be avoided in most of the FAS2000 series, where a smaller HDDs count are sold and implemented. With 3 HDDs used up as rootvol, the customer now has 91 HDDs.
With 91 HDDs, and using the
default RAID group size of
14, for the next aggregate of
aggr1, the storage administrator can configure
6 x full RAID group of 14 HDDs (6 x 14 = 84) and
1 x
partial RAID group of 7 HDDs.
(Note that as per this post, there’s nothing wrong with partial RAID groups).
RAID-DP requires 2 disks per RAID group to be used as parity disks. Since there are a total of 7 RAID groups from the 91 HDDs, 14 HDDsare parity disks, leaving 77 HDDs as data disks.
This is where the rightsized capacity comes back into play again. 77 x 2TB HDDs is really 77 x 1.69TB = 130.13TB from an initial of 100 x 2TB = 200TB.
If you intend to create more aggregates (in our example here, we have only 2 aggregates – aggr0 and aggr1), there will be more consideration for RAID group sizing and parity disks, further reducing the usable capacity.
More RAID Information
An aggregate, for the uninformed, is the disks pool in which the flexible volume, FlexVol, is derived. In a simple picture below.
OK, the diagram’s in Japanese (I am feeling a bit cheeky today :P)!
But it does look a bit self explanatory with some help which I shall provide now. If you start from the bottom of the picture, 16 x 300GB disksare combined together to create a RAID Group. And there are 4 RAID Groups created – rg0, rg1, rg2 and rg3. These RAID groups make up the ONTAP data structure called an aggregate. From ONTAP version 7.3 onward, there were some minor changes of how ONTAP reports capacity but fundamentally, it did not change much from previous versions of ONTAP. And also note that ONTAP takes a 10% overhead of the aggregate for its own use.
With the aggregate, the logical structure called the FlexVol is created. FlexVol can be as small as several megabytes to as large as 100TB,incremental by any size on-the-fly. This logical structure also allow shrinking of the capacity of the volume online and on-the-fly as well. Eventually, the volumes created from the aggregate become the next-building blocks of NetApp NFS and CIFS volumes and also LUNs for iSCSI and Fibre Channel. Also note that, for a more effective organization of logical structures from the volumes, using qtree is highly recommended for files and ONTAP management reasons.
However, for both aggregate and the FlexVol volumes created from the aggregate, Snapshot reserve is recommended. The aggregate takes a5% overhead of the capacity for snapshot reserve, while for every FlexVol volume, a 20% snapshot reserve is applied. While both snapshot percentage are adjustable, it is recommended to keep them as best practice (except for FlexVol volumes assigned for LUNs, which could be adjusted to 0%).
Note: Even if the Snapshot reserve is adjusted to 0%, there are still some other rule sets for these LUNs that will further reduce the capacity. When dealing with NetApp engineers or pre-sales, ask them about space reservations and how they do snapshots for fat LUNs and thin LUNs and their best practices in these situations. Believe me, if you don’t ask, you will be very surprised of the final usable capacity allocated to your applications).
In a nutshell, the dissection of capacity after the aggregate would look like the picture below:
We can easily quantify the overall usable in the little formula that I use for some time:
Rightsized Disks capacity x # Disks x 0.90 x 0.95 = Total Aggregate Usable Capacity
Then remember that each volume takes a 20% Snapshot reserve overhead. That’s what you have got to play with when it comes to the final usable capacity.
Though the capacity is not 100% accurate because there are many variables in play but it gives the customer a way to manually calculate their potential final usable capacity.
Please note the following best practices and this is only applied to 1 data aggregate only. For more aggregates, the same formula has to be applied again.
A RAID-DP, 3-disk rootvol0, for the root volume is set aside and is not accounted for in usable capacity
A rule-of-thumb of 2-disks hot spares is applied for every 30 disks
The default RAID Group size is used, depending on the type of disk profile used
Snapshot reserves default of 5% for aggregate and 20% per FlexVol volumes are applied
Snapshots for LUNs are subjected to space reservation, either full or fractional. Note that there are considerations of 2x + delta and 1x + delta (ask your NetApp engineer) for iSCSI and Fibre Channel LUNs, even though snapshot reserves are adjusted to 0% and snapshots are likely to be turned off.
Another note to remember is not to use any of those Capacity Calculators given. These calculators are designed to give advantage to NetApp, not necessarily to the customer. Therefore, it is best to calculate these things by hand.
Regardless of how the customer will get as the overall final usable capacity, it is the importance to understand the NetApp philosophy of doing things. While we have perhaps, went overboard explaining the usable capacity and the nitty gritty that comes with it, all these things are done for a reason to ensure simplicity and ease of navigating data management in the storage networking world. Other NetApp solutions such as SnapMirror and SnapVault and also the SnapManager suite of product rely heavily on this.
Part 11 for more information on Right-Sizing.
WAFL is our Write Anywhere File Layout. If NVRAM’s role is the most-commonly misunderstood, WAFL comes in 2nd. Yet WAFL has a simple goal, which is to write data in full stripes across the storage media. WAFL acts as an intermediary of sorts — there is a top half where files and volumes sit, and a bottom half (
reference) that interacts with RAID, manages SnapShots and some other things. WAFL isn’t a filesystem, but it does some things a filesystem does; it can also contain filesystems. WAFL contains mechanisms for dealing with files & directories, for interacting with volumes & aggregates, and for interacting with RAID. If Data ONTAP is the heart of a NetApp controller, WAFL is the blood that it pumps.
Although WAFL can write anywhere we want, in reality we write where it makes the most sense: in the closest place (relative to the disk head) where we can write a complete stripe in order to minimize seek time on subsequent I/O requests. WAFL is optimized for writes, and we’ll see why below. Rather unusually for storage arrays, we can write client data and metadata anywhere.
A colleague has this to say about WAFL, and I couldn’t put it better:
There is a relatively simple “cheating at Tetris” analogy that can be used to articulate WAFL’s advantages. It is not hard to imagine how good you could be at Tetris if you were able to review the next thousand shapes that were falling into the pattern, rather than just the next shape.
Now imagine how much better you could be at Tetris if you could take any of the shapes from within the next thousand to place into your pattern, rather than being forced to use just the next shape that is falling.
Finally, imagine having plenty of time to review the next thousand shapes and plan your layout of all 1,000, rather than just a second or two to figure out what to do with the next piece that is falling. In summary, you could become the best Tetris player on Earth, and that is essentially what WAFL is in the arena of data allocation techniques onto underlying disk arrays.
The Tetris analogy incredibly important, as it directly relates to the way that NetApp uses WAFL to optimize for writes. Essentially, we collect random I/O that is destined to be written to disk, reorganize it so that it resembles sequential I/O as much as possible, and then write it to disk sequentially. Another way of explaining this behavior is that of write coalescing: we reduce the number of operations that ultimately land on the disk, because we re-organize them in memory before we commit them to disk and we wait until we have a bunch of them before committing them to disk via a Consistency Point. Put another way, write coalescing allows to avoid the common (and expensive) RAID workflow of “read-modify-write”.
Note: We write the client’s data from RAM (not from NVRAM) to disk. (
More Information
- Reference: NetApp University – Introduction to NetApp Products
The Data ONTAP operating system supports production environments with robust and distinctive data protection technologies that are not found in other storage systems. How can a storage system that uses disk drives just like everyone else provide such unique functionality? The secret to the success of the Data ONTAP operating system is found in its core technologies: Write Anywhere File Layout (WAFL), NVRAM, andRaid-DP. These components power the exclusive data management capabilities of the Data ONTAP operating system.
The WAFL file system was developed with three architectural principles: optimize for writes, integrate nonvolatile storage, and support RAID. The WAFL layer optimizes write activity by organizing blocks of incoming data so that they can be written simultaneously, across multiple disks, to enable maximum parallelism. Internal file system metadata, known as inodes or pointers, is written alongside production data, minimizing the need for the performance-impacting seek operations common to other file systems.
In NAS environments, users access the WAFL file system directly through shares and exports. In SAN environments, WAFL technology functions as a virtualization layer, which enables the Data ONTAP process of optimizing block layout to remain independent from the host’s proprietary layout inside the LUN.
The WAFL virtualization layer does a lot more than just put blocks on a disk. This additional processing could introduce latency, but it does not. NVRAM is the key component for delivering fast, low-latency data access while WAFL technology virtualizes the storage subsystem. Each write or update request that the storage system receives is logged to NVRAM and mirrored to the partner system’s NVRAM. Because the data is now protected by battery backup and the partner mirror, the system can send the write acknowledgement without waiting for the storage layer, which is much slower than NVRAM. In this way, data center production proceeds over a purely electronic data path, resulting in high-speed, low-latency write and update activity. The WAFL layer commits the writes to the storage medium, disk or flash, independently. Each block of data must be successfully written before it is cleared from NVRAM. NVRAM secures data and increases performance while the WAFL layer intelligently organizes the destination storage structure.

Physically, NVRAM is little more than RAM with a battery backup. Our NVRAM contains a transaction log of client I/O that has not yet been written to disk from RAM by a consistency point. Its primary mission is to preserve that not-yet-written data in the event of a power outage or similar, severe problem. Our controllers vary from 768MB of NVRAM (FAS2220) to 4GB of NVRAM (FAS6290). In my opinion, NVRAM’s function is perhaps the most-commonly misunderstood part of our architecture. NVRAM is simply a double-buffered journal of pending write operations. NVRAM, therefore, is simply a redo log — it is not the write cache! After data is written to NVRAM, it is not looked at again unless you experience a dirty shutdown. This is because NVRAM’s importance to performance comes from software.
In an HA pair environment where two controllers are connected to each other, NVRAM is mirrored between the two nodes. Its primary mission is to preserve data that not-yet-written data in the event a partner controller suffers a power outage or similar severe problem. NVRAM mirroring happens for HA pairs in Data ONTAP 7-mode, HA pairs in clustered Data ONTAP and HA pairs in MetroCluster environments.
Data production and data protection are the basic capabilities of any storage system. Data ONTAP software goes further by providing advanced storage efficiency capabilities. Traditional storage systems allocate data disk by disk, but the Data ONTAP operating system uses flexible volumes to drive higher rates of utilization and to enable thin provisioning. NetApp FlexVol technology gives administrators the flexibility to allocate storage at current capacity, rather than having to guess at future needs. When more space is needed, the administrator simply resizes the flexible volume to match the need. If the system is nearing its total current capacity, more storage can be added while in production, enabling just-in-time purchase and installation of capacity.
Note: You can’t have a flexible volume without an aggregate.
Infinite Volume
Infinite Volume was developed to provide a scalable, cost-effective solution for big content workloads. Specifically, Infinite Volume addresses the requirements for large unstructured repositories of primary data, which are also known as enterprise content repositories.
Enterprise content repositories can be subdivided into workloads with similar access patterns, data protection requirements, protocol requirements, and performance requirements.
More Information
Additional Information
Infinite Volume offers many business advantages for enterprise content repositories. For example, an Infinite Volume for an enterprise content repository solution can be used to:
Infinite Volume leverages dense storage shelves from NetApp with the effective use of large-capacity storage disks. The solution is built on top of the proven foundation of Data ONTAP with storage efficiency features like deduplication and compression.
Infinite Volume gives customers a single, large, scalable container to help them manage huge amounts of growth in unstructured data that might be difficult to manage by using several containers. Data is automatically load balanced across the Infinite Volume at ingest. This manageability allows storage administrators to easily monitor the health state and capacity requirements of their storage systems.
Infinite Volumes are configured within a Data ONTAP cluster and do not require dedicated hardware. Infinite Volumes can share the same hardware with FlexVol volumes.
Overview of Infinite Volume
NetApp Infinite Volume is a software abstraction hosted over clustered Data ONTAP. It provides a single mountpoint that can scale to 20PB and 2 billion files, and it integrates with NetApp’s proven technologies and products, such as deduplication, compression, and NetApp SnapMirror® replication technology.
Infinite Volume writes an individual file in its entirety to a single node but distributes the files across several controllers within a cluster.
Figure 1 shows how an Infinite Volume appears as a single large container with billions of files stored in numerous data constituents.
In the first version of Infinite Volume, data access was provided over the NFSv3 protocol. Starting in clustered Data ONTAP 8.2, Infinite Volume added support for NFSv4.1, pNFS, and CIFS. Like a FlexVol volume, Infinite Volume data is protected by using NetApp Snapshot,Raid-DP, and SnapMirror technologies, and NFS or CIFS mounted tape backups.
FlexVol Vs Infinite Vol
Both FlexVol volumes and Infinite Volumes are data containers. However, they have significant differences that you should consider before deciding which type of volume to include in your storage architecture.
The following table summarizes the differences and similarities between FlexVol volumes and Infinite Volumes:
In the IT world, there are countless situations in which it is desirable to create a copy of a dataset: Application development and test (dev/test) and the provisioning of new virtual machines are common examples. Unfortunately, traditional copies don’t come free. They consume significant storage capacity, server and network resources, and valuable administrator time and energy. As a result, your operation probably makes do with fewer, less up-to-date copies than you really need.
This is exactly the problem that NetApp FlexClone technology was designed to solve. FlexClone was introduced to allow you to make fast, space-efficient copies of flexible volumes (FlexVol volumes) and LUNs. A previous Tech OnTap article describes how one IT team used the NetApp rapid cloning capability built on FlexClone technology (now incorporated as part of the NetApp Virtual Storage Console, or VSC) to deploy a 9,000-seat virtual desktop environment with flexible, fast reprovisioning and using a fraction of the storage that would normally be required. NetApp uses the same approach for server provisioning in its own data centers.
Figure 1 FlexClone technology versus the traditional approach to data copies.
Using FlexClone technology instead of traditional copies offers significant advantages. It is:
Fast. Traditional copies can take many minutes or hours to make. With FlexClone technology even the largest volumes can be cloned in a matter of seconds.
Space efficient. A clone uses a small amount of space for metadata, and then only consumes additional space as data is changed or added.
Reduces costs. FlexClone technology can cut the storage you need for dev/test or virtual environments by 50% or more.
Improves quality of dev/test. Make as many copies of your full production dataset as you need. If a test corrupts the data, start again in seconds. Developers and test engineers spend less time waiting for access to datasets and more time doing productive work.
Lets you get more from your DR environment. FlexClone makes it possible to clone and fully test your DR processes, or use your DR environment for dev/test without interfering with ongoing replication. You simply clone your DR copies and do dev/test on the clones.
Accelerates virtual machine and virtual desktop provisioning. Deploy tens or hundreds of new VMs in minutes with only a small incremental increase in storage.
Most Tech OnTap readers probably know about the use of FlexClone for cloning volumes. What’s less well known is that, starting with Data ONTAP 7.3.1, NetApp also gave FlexClone the ability to clone individual files and improved the capability for cloning LUNs.
This chapter of Back to Basics explores how NetApp FlexClone technology is implemented, the most common use cases, best practices for implementing FlexClone, and more.
- Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio
Affordable NetApp protection software safeguards your data and business-critical applications.
Explore the range of NetApp protection software products available to protect your valuable data and applications and to provide optimal availability, IT efficiency, and peace of mind.
We have a number of different types of data protection applications – they are:
Disk-to-Disk Backup and Recovery Solutions
- Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio
- Disk-to-Disk Back up and Recovery Solutions
- SnapVault software speeds and simplifies backup and data recovery, protecting data at the block level.
Open Systems SnapVault (OSSV) software leverages block-level incremental backup technology to protect Windows, Linux, UNIX, SQL Server, and VMware systems running on mixed storage.
SnapRestore data recovery software uses stored Data ONTAP Snapshot copies to recover anything from a single file to multi-terabyte volumes, in seconds.
Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio
The SnapManager management software family streamlines storage management and simplifies configuration, backup, and restore operations.
SnapProtect management software accelerates and simplifies backup and data recovery for shared IT infrastructures.
OnCommand Unified Manager automates the management of physical and virtual storage for NetApp storage systems and clusters.
Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio
SnapMirror data replication technology provides disaster recovery protection and simplifies the management of data replication.
MetroCluster high-availability and disaster recovery software delivers continuous availability, transparent failover protection, and zero data loss.
In the beginning, snapshots were pretty simple: a backup, only faster. Read everything on your primary disk, and copy it to another disk.
Simple. Effective. Expensive.
Think of these kinds of snapshots as being like a photocopier. You take a piece of paper, and write on it. When you want a snapshot, you stop writing on the paper, put it into the photocopier, and make a copy. Now you have 2 pieces of paper.
A big database might take up 50 pieces of paper. Taking a snapshot takes a while, because you have to copy each page. And the cost adds up. Imagine each piece of paper cost $5k, or $10k.
Still, it’s faster than hand-copying your address book into another book every week.
It’s not a perfect analogy, but it’s pretty close.
Having to copy all the data every time is a drag, because it takes up a lot of space, takes ages, and costs more. Both taking the snapshot, and restoring it, take a long time because you have to copy all the data.
But what if you didn’t have to? What if you could copy only the bits that changed?
Enter copy-on-write snapshots. The first snapshot records the baseline, before anything changes. Since nothing has changed yet, you don’t need to move data around.
But as soon as you want to change something, you need to take note of it somewhere. Copy-on-write does this by first copying the original data to a (special, hidden) snapshot area, and then overwriting the original data with the new data. Pretty simple, and effective.
And now it doesn’t take up as much space, because you’re just recording the changes, or deltas.
But there are some downsides.
Each time you change a block of data, the system has to read the old block, write it to the snapshot area, and then write the new block. So, for each write, the disk actually does two writes and one read. This slows things down.
It’s a tradeoff. You lose a bit in write performance, but you don’t need as much disk to get snapshots. With some clever cacheing and other techniques, you can reduce the performance impact, and overall you save money but get some good benefits, so it was often worth it.
But what if you didn’t have to copy the original data?
NetApp Snapshots
NetApp snapshots (and ZFS snapshots, incidentally) do things differently. Instead of copying the old data out of the way before it gets overwritten, the NetApp just writes the new information to a special bit of disk reserved for storing these changes, called the SnapReserve. Then, the pointers that tell the system where to find the data get updated to point to the new data in the SnapReserve.
That’s why the SnapReserve fills up when you change data on a NetApp. And remember that deleting is a change, so deleting a bunch of data fills up the SnapReserve, too.
This method has a bunch of advantages. You’re only recording the deltas, so you get the disk savings of copy-on-write snapshots. But you’re not copying the original block out of the way, so you don’t have the performance slowdown. There’s a small performance impact, but updating pointers is much faster, which is why NetApp performance is just fine with snapshots turned on, so they’re on by default.
It gets better.
Because the snapshot is just pointers, when you want to restore data (using
SnapRestore) all you have to do is
update the pointers to point to the original data again. This is faster than copying all the data back from the snapshot area over the original data, as in copy-on-write snapshots.
So taking a snapshot completes in seconds, even for really large volumes (like, terabytes) and so do restores. Seconds to snap back to a point in time. How cool is that?
It’s much better to think of snapshots as a View of your data as it was at the time the snapshot was taken. It’s a time machine, letting you look into the past.
Because it’s all just pointers, you can actually look at the snapshot as if it was the active filesystem. It’s read-only, because you can’t change the past, but you can actually look at it and read the data.
This is incredibly cool.
Seriously. It’s amazing. You get snapshots with almost no performance overhead, and you can browse through the data to see what it looked like yesterday, or last week, or last month. Online.
So if you accidentally delete a file, you don’t have to restore the entire G:, or suck the data off a copy on tape somewhere. You can just wander through the .snapshot (or ~snapshot) directory and find the file, and read it. You can even copy it back out into the active file system if you want.
All without ringing the helpdesk.
Snapshot is the point in time of copy of a volume/file system. Snapshots are useful for backup and recovery purposes. With snapshot technology the file system/volume can be backed up within a matter of few seconds. With traditional backups to tape, recovery of file/directory involves checking the media onto which backup was written, loading that media into tape library and restoring the file. This process takes long time and in some cases users/application developers needs the file urgently to complete their tasks. With snapshot technology the snapshot of a file/volume stores in the system itself and administrator can restore the file within a fraction of seconds which helps users to complete their tasks.
Snapshot copies the file system/volume when requested to do so. If we have to copy all the data in file system/volume using traditional
OSmechanisms, it takes
a lot of time and consumes lot of space in system. Snapshots overcome this problem by copying
only the blocks that have changed. This is explained below.
If we take a snapshot of a file system/volume, no new data is created or new space is consumed in the system. Instead of this system copies the inode information of the file system to snapshot volume. inode information consists of:
The inode pointers of snapshot volume point to same data blocks of the file system for which snapshot created. In this way snapshot consumes very minimal space (metadata of original file system).
What happens if block has been changed in original file system? Before changing the data block, system copies the data block to snapshot area and overwrites the original data block with new data. Inode pointer will be updated in snapshot to point to the data block that is written in snapshot area. In this manner, changing the data block involves reading the original data block (read operation), writing it to snapshot area and overwriting the original data block with new data (two write operations). This causes performance degradation to some extent. But you don’t need much disk space with this method, as we will record only the changes made to file system/volume. This is called Copy-On-Write (COW) snapshot.
Now we will see how Netapp does it differently.
While changing the block in volume with snapshot created, instead of copying the original block to snapshot area, Netapp writes the new volume to snapreserve space. This involves only one write instead of two writes and one read with COW snapshot. However this also has some performance impact as this involves the changing the inode pointers of file system/volume, but this is minimal if compared to CO which is why Netapp snapshot method is superior when compared to other vendor snapshots.
Also during restores also, Netapp changes the pointers of filesystem to snapshot block. With COW snapshot we need to copy the file from snapshot volume to original volume. So restore with NetApp if faster when compared to COW snapshots.
Thus Netapp snapshot methodology is superior and faster compared to COW snapshots.
Snapshot copies are stored on the local disk to enable fast backup and fast recovery. But what if the local disk goes offline or fails? NetApp SnapVault software protects against this type of failure and enables long-term backup and recovery. SnapVault software delivers disk-to-disk backup, protecting NetApp primary storage by replicating Snapshot copies to inexpensive secondary storage. SnapVault software replicates only new or changed data using Snapshot copies, and stores the data in native format, keeping both backup and recovery times short and minimizing the storage footprint on secondary storage systems.
SnapVault software can be used to store months or even years of backups, so that fewer tape backups are needed and recovery times stay short. As with the rest of the NetApp Integrated Data Protection portfolio, SnapVault software uses deduplication to further reduce capacity requirements and overall backup costs. SnapVault software is available to all NetApp storage systems that run the Data ONTAP operating system.
Providing speed and simplicity for data backup and recovery, NetApp SnapVault software leverages block-level incremental replication and NetApp Snapshot copies for reliable, low-overhead disk-to-disk (D2D) backup.
NetApp’s flagship D2D backup solution, SnapVault provides efficient data protection by copying only the data blocks that have changedsince the last backup, instead of entire files. As a result, you can back up more frequently while reducing your storage footprint, because no redundant data is moved or stored. And with direct backups between NetApp systems, SnapVault D2D minimises the need for external infrastructure and appliances.
By changing the backup paradigm, NetApp SnapVault software simplifies your adaptation to data growth and virtualisation, and it streamlines the management of terabytes to petabytes of data. Use the SnapVault backup solution as a part of NetApp’s integrated data protection approach to help create a flexible and efficient shared IT infrastructure.
By transferring only new or changed blocks of data, traditional backups which would usually take hours or days to complete, only take minutes. Further to this, it also enables you to store months or years of Point-in-Time Backup Copies on disk. When used in conunction withdeduplication, Tape backups are reduced or even eliminated.
Backups can be used for:
Development and Testing
DR Replication
SnapMirror is a volume level replication, which normally works over IP network (SnapMirror can work over FC but only with FC-VI cards and it is not widely used).
SnapMirror Asynchronous replicates data according to schedule.
SnapMirror Sync uses NVLOGM shipping (described briefly in my previous post) to synchronously replicate data between two storage systems.
SnapMirror Semi-Sync is in between and synchronizes writes on Consistency Point (CP) level.
SnapMirror provides protection from data corruption inside a volume. But with SnapMirror you don’t have automatic failover of any sort. You need to break SnapMirror relationship and present data to clients manually. Then resynchronize volumes when problem is fixed.
Because customers require 24×7 operations, they must protect business applications and virtual infrastructures from site outages and other disasters.
SnapMirror software is the primary NetApp data protection solution. It is designed to reduce the risk, cost, and complexity of disaster recovery. It protects customers’ business-critical data and enables customers to use their disaster recovery sites for other business activities which greatly increases the utilization of valuable resources. SnapMirror software is for disaster recovery and business continuity, whereasSnapVault software is for long-term retention of point-in-time backup copies.
SnapMirror software is built into the Data ONTAP operating system, enabling a customer to build a flexible disaster recovery solution. SnapMirror software replicates data over IP or Fibre Channel to different models of NetApp storage and to storage not produced by NetApp but managed by V Series systems. SnapMirror software can use deduplication and built-in network compression to minimize storage and network requirements, which reduces costs and accelerates data transfers.
Customers can also benefit from SnapMirror products if they have virtual environments, regardless of the vendors they use. NetApp software integrates with VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V, and Citrix XenServer to enable simple failover when outages occur.
SnapMirror data replication leverages NetApp unified storage to turn disaster recovery into a business accelerator.
Built on NetApp’s unified storage architecture, NetApp SnapMirror technology provides fast, efficient data replication and disaster recovery (DR) for your critical data, to get you back to business faster.
With NetApp’s flagship data replication product, use a single solution across all NetApp storage arrays and protocols, for any application, in both virtual and traditional environments, and in a variety of configurations. Tune SnapMirror technology to meet recovery point objectives ranging from zero seconds to hours.
Cost-effective SnapMirror capabilities include new network compression technology to reduce bandwidth utilization; accelerated data transfers to lower RPO; and improved storage efficiency in a virtual environment using NetApp deduplication. Integrated with FlexClonevolumes for instantaneous, space-efficient copies, SnapMirror software also lets you use replicated data for DR testing, business intelligence, and development and test—without business interruptions.
Combine SnapMirror with NetApp MultiStore and Provisioning Manager software to gain application transparency with minimal planned downtime.
In addition to enabling rapid, cost-effective disaster recovery, SnapMirror software simplifies testing of disaster recovery processes to make sure they work as planned – before an outage occurs. Typically, testing is painful for organizations. Companies must bring in people on weekends, shut down production systems, and perform a failover to see if applications and data appear at the remote site. Studies indicate that disaster recovery testing can negatively impact customers and their revenues and that one in four disaster recovery tests fail.
Because of the difficulty of testing disaster recovery, many customers do not perform the testing that is necessary to ensure their safety. With SnapMirror products and FlexClone technology, customers can test failover any time without affecting production systems or using much storage.
To test failover with SnapMirror products and FlexClone technology, a customer first creates space-efficient copies of disaster recovery data instantaneously. The customer uses the copies for testing. After finishing testing, the customer can delete the clones in seconds.
SnapVault Vs SnapMirror
When I was getting into NetApp I had a big trouble understanding the difference between snapvault and snapmirror. I heard an explanation: Snapvault is a backup solution where snapmirror is a DR solution. And all I could do was say ‘ooh, ok’ still not fully understanding the difference…
The first idea that popped out to my head was that snapmirror is mainly set on volume level, where snapvault is on qtree level. But that is not always the case, you can easily setup QSM (Qtree snapmirror).
The key to understanding the difference is really understand the sentence: Snapvault is a backup solution where snapmirror is a DR solution.
What does it mean that SnapVault is a backup solution?
Let me bring some picture to help me explain:

Example has few assumptions:
We’ve got filerA in one location and filerB in other location
That customer has a connection to both filerA and FilerB, although all shares to customers are available from filerA (via CIFS, NFS, iSCSI or FC)
All customer data is being transfered to the filerB via Snapvault
What we can do with snapvault?
As a backup solution, we can have a longer snapshot retention time on filerB, so more historic data will be available on filerB, if filerB has slower disks, this solution is smart, because slower disk = cheaper disks, and there is no need to use 15k rpm disk on filer that is not serving data to the customer.
If customer has an network connection and access to shares on filerB he can by himself restore some data to filerA, even single files
If there is a disaster within filerA and we loose all data we can restore the data from filerB
What we cannot do with snapvault?
In case of an disaster within filerA we cannot “set” filerB as a production side. We cannot “revert the relationship” making the qtree onfilerB as a source, and make them read/write. They are Snapvault destinations so they are read-only.
(Having snapmirror license available on filerB we can convert Snapvault qtree to snapmirror qtree which solves that ‘issue’).
What does it mean that SnapMirror is a DR solution?
Again, let me bring the small picture to help me explain:

Example has few assumptions:
We’ve got filerA in one location and filerB in other location
That customer has a connection to both filerA and FilerB, although all shares to customers are available from filerA
All customer data is being transfered to the filerB via snapmirror
What we can do with snapmirror?
As a backup solution we can restore the accidentally deleted, or lost data on filerA, if the snapmirror relationship has not been updated meantime
If there is some kind or issue with filerA (from a network problem, to a total disaster) we can easily reverse the relationship. We can make the volume or qtree on filerB, as a source, and make it read-write, provide an network connection to the customer and voila – we are back online! After the issue has been solved we can resync the original source with changes made at the destination and reverse the relationship again.
To sum up
This is not the only difference between
snapmirror and
snapvault. But I would say this is the main one. Some other differences are that
snapmirror can be actually in sync or semi-sync mode. The
async mode can be updated even once a minute. Where the
snapvault relationship
cannot be updated more often then once an hour. If we have few
qtrees on the same
volume with
snapvault they share the
same schedule, while with QSM they can have different schedules, etc..

More Information
SyncMirror mirror aggregates and work on a RAID level. You can configure mirroring between two shelves of the same system and prevent an outage in case of a shelf failure.
SyncMirror uses a concept of plexes to describe mirrored copies of data. You have two plexes: plex0 and plex1. Each plex consists of disks from a separate pool: pool0 or pool1. Disks are assigned to pools depending on cabling. Disks in each of the pools must be in separate shelves to ensure high availability. Once shelves are cabled, you enable SyncMiror and create a mirrored aggregate using the following syntax:
aggr create aggr_name -m -d disk-list -d disk-list
Plex & Disk Pools
By default Data ONTAP without syncmirror license will keep all disks in pool0 (default). So you will have only one plex.
You need to have syncmirror license to get two plexes, which will enable RAID-level mirroring on your storage system.
The following Filerview online help will give more information in this.
Managing Plexes
The SyncMirror software creates mirrored aggregates that consist of two plexes, providing a higher level of data consistency through RAID-level mirroring. The two plexes are simultaneously updated; therefore, the plexes are always identical.
When SyncMirror is enabled, all the disks are divided into two disk pools, and a copy of the plex is created. The plexes are physically separated, (each plex has its own RAID groups and its own disk pool), and the plexes are updated simultaneously. This provides added protection against data loss if there is a double-disk failure or a loss of disk connectivity, because the unaffected plex continues to serve data while you fix the cause of the failure. Once the plex that has a problem is fixed, you can resynchronize the two plexes and reestablish the mirror relationship.
You can create a mirrored aggregate in the following ways:
You can create a new aggregate that has two plexes.
You can add a plex to an existing, unmirrored aggregate.
An aggregates cannot have more than two plexes.
Note: Data ONTAP names the plexes of the mirrored aggregate. See the Data ONTAP Storage Management Guide for more information about the plex naming convention.
How Data ONTAP selects disks
Regardless of how you create a mirrored aggregate, Data ONTAP determines which disks to use. Data ONTAP uses the following disk-selection policies when selecting disks for mirrored aggregates:
Disks selected for each plex must come from different disk pools.
The number of disks selected for one plex must equal the number of disks selected for the other plex.
Disks are first selected on the basis of equivalent bytes per sector (bps) size, then on the basis of the size of the disk.
If there is no equivalent-sized disk, Data ONTAP selects a larger-capacity disk and uses only part of the disk.
Disk selection policies if you select disks
Data ONTAP enables you to select disks when creating or adding disks to a mirrored aggregate. You should follow the same disk-selection policies that Data ONTAP follows when selecting disks for mirrored aggregates. See the Data ONTAP Storage Management Guide for more information
More Information
A plex is a complete copy of an aggregate. If you do not have mirroring enabled, you’ll only be using Plex0. If you enabling mirroring, Plex1 will be created. Plex1 will synchornise with Plex0 so you will have two complete copies of the one aggregate. This provides full redundancy should Plex0’s shelf go off line or suffer a multi-disk failure.
A plex is one half of a mirror (when mirroring is enabled). Mirrors are used to increase fault tolerance. A mirror means, that whatever you write on one disk gets written on a second disk – at least that is the general idea- immediately. Thus mirroring is a way to prevent data loss from loosing a disk.
If you do not mirror, there is no reason to call the disk in an aggregate a plex really. But it is easier – for consistency etc.- to call the first bunch of disks that make up an aggregate plex 0. Once you decide to make of mirror -again to ensure fault tolerance- you need the same amount of disks the aggregate is made of for the second half of the mirror. This second half is called plex1.
So bottom-line, unless you mirror an aggregate, plex0 is just a placeholder that should remind you of the ability to create a mirror if needed.
By default all your raidgroups will be tied towards plex0, the moment you enable syncmirror things will change. After enabling the syncmirror license you move disks from default pool pool0 to pool1. Then when you syncmirror your aggregate you will find pool0 disks will be tied with plex0 and pool1 will be under plex1.
A plex is a physical copy of a filesystem or the disks holding the data. A DataONTAP volume normally consists of one plex. A mirrored volume has two or more plexes, each with a complete copy of the data in the volume. Multiple plexes provides safety for your data as long as you have one complete plex, you will still have access to all your data.
A plex is a physical copy of the WAFL storage within the aggregate. A mirrored aggregate consists of two plexes; unmirrored aggregates contain a single plex. In order to create a mirrored aggregate, you must have a filer configuration that supports RAID-level mirroring.When mirroring is enabled on the filer, the spare disks are divided into two disk pools. When an aggregate is created, all of the disks in a single plex must come from the same disk pool, and the two plexes of a mirrored aggregate must consist of disks from separate pools, as this maximizes fault isolation.
Protection provided by RAID and SyncMirror
Combining RAID and SyncMirror provides protection against more types of drive failures than using RAID alone.
You can use RAID in combination with the SyncMirror functionality, which also offers protection against data loss due to drive or other hardware component failure. SyncMirror protects against data loss by maintaining two copies of the data contained in the aggregate, one in each plex. Any data loss due to drive failure in one plex is repaired by the undamaged data in the other plex.
For more information about SyncMirror, see the Data ONTAP Data Protection Online Backup and Recovery Guide for 7-Mode.
The following tables show the differences between using RAID alone and using RAID with SyncMirror:
SyncMirror Vs SnapVault
SyncMirror synchronously mirrors aggregates on the same or a remote system in the case of MetroCluster. While it is not exactly the same, it might help to think of it to being analogous to RAID-10. As Aggregates in the NetApp world store volumes, once you have a sync-mirrored aggregate, any volume and the subsequent data placed in them is automatically mirrored in a synchronous manner.
SnapVault is very different. It takes qtrees (directories managed by Data ONTAP) from a source system, and replicates them(asynchronously) to a volume on a destination system. Usually many source qtrees are replicated into one volume, compressed, deduplicated and then archived via a Snapshot on the destination. In general terms, SnapVault enables backup and archive of data from one or many source systems to a centralised backup system. This methodology enables many copies of production data to be retained on a secondary system with only the block differential data being transferred between each backup.
SyncMirror Vs SnapMirror
SyncMirror is for mirroring data between aggregates synchronously, usually on the same system, but can be on a remote system in the case of MetroCluster.
SnapMirror operates at the volume level (can be Qtree as well but differs slightly to volume SnapMirror), and is usually deployed forasynchronous replication. It has no distance limitations (whereas SyncMirror in a MetroCluster configuration is limited to 100km), replicates over IP (MetroCluster requires fibre links between the sites), has compression and is dedupe aware. If your source volume has been deduplicated, then SnapMirror will replicate it in it’s deduplicated format. SnapMirror also has features built in to make it easy to fail over, fail back, break the mirror and resync the mirror. It’s compatible with SRM, and also integrates with other NetApp features such as MultiStore for configuring DR on a vFiler level.
Absolutely you can do SyncMirror within the same system – you just need to create two identical aggregates for this purpose and you will have two synchronously mirrored aggregates with all the volumes they contain on the one system.
SnapMirror is a great asynchronous replication method and instead of replicating aggregates, it is set up at the volume layer. So you have a source volume and a destination volume, and there will be some lag time between them both based on how frequently you update the mirror (e.g. 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 4 hours, etc.). You can very easily make the SnapMirror destination read/write (it is read only while replication is taking place), and also resynchronise back to the original source after a fail over event.
One of the issues with mirroring data is that the system will happily mirror corrupt data from the application perspective – it just does what it is told. SnapVault fits in the picture here as it offers a longer term Snapshot retention of data on a secondary system that is purely for backup purposes. By this I mean that the destination copy of the data needs to be restored back to another system – it is generally neverread/write but write only. SnapMirror, and SyncMirror destinations contain an exact copy of the source volume or aggregate including any Snapshots that existed when replication occured. SnapVault is different because the Snapshot that is retained on the secondary system is actually created after the replication update has occurred. So you can have a “fan in” type effect for many volumes or qtrees into a SnapVault destination volume, and once the schedule has completed from the source system(s), the destination will create a Snapshot for retention purposes, then de-duplicate the data. You can end up with many copies of production data on your Snapvault destination – I have a couple of customers that are retaining 1 years worth of backup using Snapvault.
It is extremely efficient as compression and deduplication work very well in this case, and allows customers to keep many generations of production data on disk. The customer can also stream data off to tape from the SnapVault destination if required. As with SnapMirror, the SnapVault destination does not need to be the same as source, so you can have a higher performance system in production (SAS or SSD drive) and a more economical, dense system for your backup (3TB SATA for example).
In a nutshell – SnapMirror/SyncMirror come under the banner of HA, DR and BCP, whereas SnapVault is really a backup and archivetechnology.
Open Systems SnapVault (OSSV)
Open Systems SnapVault provides the same features as SnapVault but to storage not produced by NetApp. SnapVault disk-to-disk backup capability is a unique differentiator-no other storage vendor enables replication for long-term disk-to-disk backup within an array. Open System SnapValut(OSSV) enables the customers to backup non-NetApp data to secondary NetApp target. Open Systems SnapVault leverages the block-level incremental backup technology found in SnapVault to protect Windows, Linux, UNIX, SQL Server, and VMware systems running on mixed storage.
More Information
Designed to safeguard data in open-storage platforms, NetApp Open Systems SnapVault (OSSV) software leverages the same block-level incremental backup technology and NetApp Snapshot copies found in our SnapVault solution. OSSV extends this data protection to Windows, Linux, UNIX, SQL Server, and VMware systems running mixed storage.
OSSV improves performance and enables more frequent data backups by moving data and creating backups from only changed data blocksrather than entire changed files. Because no redundant data is moved or stored, you need less storage capacity and a smaller storage footprint–giving you a cost-effective solution. OSSV is well suited for centralizing disk-to-disk (D2D) backups for remote offices.
HA Pair
HA Pair is basically two controllers which both have connection to their own and partner shelves. When one of the controllers fails, the other one takes over. It’s called Cluster Failover (CFO). Controller NVRAMs are mirrored over NVRAM interconnect link. So even the data which hasn’t been committed to disks isn’t lost.
Note: HA Pair can’t failover when disk shelf fails, because partner doesn’t have a copy to service requests from.
Mirrored HA Pair
You can think of a Mirrored HA Pair as HA Pair with SyncMirror between the systems. You can implement almost the same configuration on HA pair with SyncMirror inside (not between) each system (because the odds of the whole storage system (controller + shelves) going down is highly unlikely). But it can give you more peace of mind if it’s mirrored between two system.
It cannot failover like MetroCluster, when one of the storage systems goes down. The whole process is manual. The reasonable question here is why it cannot failover if it has a copy of all the data? Because MetroCluster is a separate functionality, which performs all the checks and carry out a cutover to a mirror. It’s called Cluster Failover on Disaster (CFOD). SyncMirror is only a mirroring facility and doesn’t even know that cluster exists.
MetroCluster provides failover on a storage system level. It uses the same SyncMirror feature beneath it to mirror data between two storage systems (instead of two shelves of the same system as in pure SyncMirror implementation). Now even if a storage controller fails together with all of its storage, you are safe. The other system takes over and continues to service requests.
HA Pair can’t failover when disk shelf fails, because partner doesn’t have a copy to service requests from.
After Disaster Recovery, let’s consider Continuous Availability. Customers must be able to recover critical applications after a system failureseamlessly and instantaneously. Critical applications include financial applications and manufacturing operations, which must be continuously available with near-zero RTO and zero RPO. NetApp MetroCluster is a unique array-based clustering solution that can extend up to 200km and enable a zero RPO (no data loss) with zero or near-zero RTO.
MetroCluster enhances the built-in redundancy of NetApp hardware and software, providing an additional layer of protection for the entire storage and host environment. MetroCluster seamlessly maintains application and virtual infrastructure availability when storage outages occur (whether the outage is due to a network connectivity issue, loss of power, a problem with cooling systems, a storage array shutdown, or an operational error). Most MetroCluster customers report that their users experience no application interruption when a cluster recovery occurs.
MetroCluster enables single command fail over for seamless cutover of applications that is transparent to the end user.
It supports a distance of up to 100 kilometers.
Integrated Data Protection
When discussing data protection strategies with your customers, you should consider the overall NetApp data protection portfolio, which we call NetApp Integrated Data Protection. NetApp Integrated Data Protection enables customers to:
Deliver backup
High availability
Business continuity
Continuous availability
from a single platform. It is a single suite of integrated products that works across all NetApp solutions and with non NetApp storage. Your customers can use a single platform for all data protection, the process of building, implementing, and managing data protection over time is simpler, because they have fewer systems from fewer vendors to install and manage. And because the portfolio uses NetApp storage efficiency technology, cost and complexity can be up to 50% lower than for competitive solutions.
NetApp Snapshot copies are the answer to shrinking backup windows. They are nearly instantaneous, and as a result do not impact the application. As a result, multiple Snapshot copies can be made per day – hourly or even more often. They are the primary solution for protecting against user errors or data corruption.
MetroCluster is NetApp’s solution for Continuous Availability, enabling zero data loss in the event of wide variety of failure scenarios. MetroCluster, in conjunction with VMware’s HA and Fault Tolerance capabilities, give your customers continuous availability of their ESX servers and storage. For single failures, the storage systems will perform an automated, transparent failover. MetroCluster has been certified with VMware’s High Availability and Fault Tolerant solutions.
SnapMirror provides asynchronous mirroring across unlimited distances to enable Disaster Recovery from a secondary site. SnapMirror, in conjunction with VMware’s Site Recovery Manager, delivers automated, global failover of the entire virtual environment to a recovery site, and integrates with SnapMirror and FlexClone.
NetApp enables your customers to use less expensive SATA drives as nearline storage, and lower-cost controllers for asymmetric backups and backup consolidation from multiple sources. NetApp solutions enable rapid search and retrieval of backup data, and also support the re-use of backup data for other business uses via our unique, near-zero impact FlexClones.
NetApp enables your customers to perform flexible backup vaulting: Disk to Disk to Tape, full tape management as well as full cataloging of disk and tape backups. In addition, NetApp allows your customers to choose how they want to manage their data protection workflows. Your customers can use NetApp products such as SnapProtect for end-to-end backup management including catalog and disk-to-disk-to-tape; and for specific applications your customers can leverage the SnapManager software.
Considering the Overall Data Protection Portfolio
NetApp Integrated Data Protection enables customers to deliver high availability, business continuity, continuous availability, and backup and compliance from a single platform. A single platform that works across all NetApp solutions and with non NetApp storage. Because customers can use a single platform for all data protection, the process of building, implementing, and managing data protection over time issimpler, because they have fewer systems from fewer vendors to install and manage. And because the portfolio uses NetApp storage efficiency technology, cost and complexity can be up to 50% lower than for competitive solutions. For example, a customer can useMetroCluster to provide a zero RPO and then replicate data with SnapVault software to a remote site for long-term backup and recovery. If the customer later decides to implement long-distance disaster recovery with a short RPO, the customer can use SnapMirror software to do so.
NetApp SnapRestore software uses stored Snapshot copies to recover entire file systems or data volumes in seconds.
Whether you want to recover a single file or a multi-terabyte data volume, SnapRestore software makes data recovery automatic and almost instantaneous, regardless of your storage capacity or number of files. With a single simple command, you can choose and recover data from any NetApp Snapshot copy on your system.
Whereas traditional data recovery requires that all the data be copied from the backup to the source, the SnapRestore process is fast and takes up very little of your storage space. With SnapRestore, you can:
- Restore data files and databases fast
- Test changes with easy restores to your baseline copy
- Recover at once from virus attacks, or after user or application error
In addition, SnapRestore software requires no special training, which reduces both the likelihood of operator error and your costs to maintain specialized staffing resources.
The more a backup application understands about the way an application works, the more efficient the backup process will be. Unfortunately, back-end storage systems typically know little or nothing about the application data they contain, so you either have to use brute-force methods to perform backups on the storage system or you have to let each application perform its own backup. Neither alternative is particularly desirable.
To address this shortcoming, NetApp created its SnapManager software, a suite of intelligent tools that allow applications and storage to coordinate activities to make backup fast and space efficient, speed the restore process, and simplify common data management tasks. The SnapManager suite represents thousands of man-hours of effort going back to the original SnapManager for Exchange product, which was introduced in 2000.
NetApp users today can choose from seven SnapManager tools that provide deep integration to coordinate storage management activities with popular enterprise software programs—Microsoft SQL Server, Exchange, SharePoint, Oracle, and SAP—as well as virtual infrastructure—VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V. These tools offer significant advantages for application backup. They:
- Integrate closely with the unique features and capabilities of each application.
- Take full advantage of NetApp data protection features, including Snapshot, SnapMirror, SnapRestore, and FlexClone technologies to provide fast, efficient backup and restore, replication for DR, and cloning. (Cloning is not supported by all SnapManager products.)
- Allow backups to be completed more quickly in much less time (typically minutes versus hours) so backups can be completed more often with less disruption to the application.
- Off-load most of the work of data protection from servers.
- Provide application-centric interfaces that let application administrators perform backups without having to understand details of storage or involve storage administrators in routine activities.
- Support both Data ONTAP technology operating in 7-Mode and clustered Data ONTAP.
Snap Creator
OS-independent Snap Creator Framework integrates NetApp data protection with a broad range of third-party applications.
NetApp Snap Creator Framework lets you standardize and simplify backup, restore, and DR in any environment. It’s a unified data protection solution for standard and custom applications.
Snap Creator plug-ins integrate NetApp features with third-party applications, operating systems, and databases, including Oracle, VMware, Citrix Xen, Red Hat KVM, DB2, Lotus Domino, MySQL, Sybase ASE, and MaxDB. Snap Creator also accommodates custom plug-ins and has an active developer community.
The Snap Creator Framework provides:
- Application-consistent data protection. You get a centralized solution for backing up critical information, integrating with existing application architectures to assure data consistency and reduce operating costs.
- Extensibility. Achieve fast integration using NetApp modular architecture and policy-based automation.
- Cloud readiness. OS-independent Snap Creator functionality supports physical and virtual platforms and interoperates with IT-as-a-service and cloud environments.
An important reason why IT teams choose NetApp storage is because it provides the ability to use integrated data protection technologies like Snapshot copies, SnapMirror replication, and SnapVault disk-to-disk backup. These capabilities dramatically accelerate and simplify backup and replication for DR and other purposes.
Still, we saw a need for deeper integration with backup applications, especially for those who need to include tape in their backup environments.
NetApp introduced its SnapProtect management software about a year ago to provide these and other features. NetApp partnered with CommVault to integrate core components of CommVault Simpana with core NetApp technologies. The combination delivers all the benefits you expect from Snapshot copies, SnapMirror, and SnapVault, plus it offers significant advantages including:
- Accelerates both backup and restore operations
- Full tape support
- Cataloging of Snapshot copies, replicas, and tape
- Built-in support for VMware, Hyper-V, and popular applications
- Automated provisioning of secondary storage
- Cascading and fan-out configurations
- Flexible scheduling and retention
- Reporting
- Simple single-pane-of-glass management for all features
How SnapProtect Is Implemented
SnapProtect uses a variety of components. Most of these are familiar NetApp technologies such as:
- Snapshot copies
- SnapMirror replication
- SnapVault for disk-to-disk backup
- FlexClone technology for cloning and indexing
- SnapRestore technology for rapid restore of whole volumes and single files
- OnCommand software (formerly NetApp Operations Manager) for provisioning and replication
In addition, SnapProtect adds several additional components that enable cataloging, coordination, management, and so on.
- SnapProtect Server: Runs Windows, Microsoft SQL Server, and management software
- MediaAgents: Additional servers that help spread the data protection workload during SnapProtect operations
- iDataAgents (iDAs): Software agents installed on backup clients that are responsible for data consistency during backup operations
SnapProtect Console
- Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio
SnapProtect provides a single interface (the SnapProtect Console) from which your customers can manage disk-to-tape or disk-to-disk-to-tape backup workflows. They can use the SnapProtect Console to help reduce backup and recovery times, minimize storage and operational costs, and meet requirements for physical and virtualized environments.
In addition to allowing your customers to create and manage Snapshot copies from the single console, the SnapProtect solution lets them manage policies for SnapVault and SnapMirror replication to secondary storage; backup and restore virtual machines, applications, and data; catalog Snapshot copies across both disk and tape for rapid search and retrieval; and work with tape for long-term retention.
The SnapProtect solution is integrated with NetApp storage efficiency, Snapshot, and thin replication technologies. Together, the SnapProtect solution and NetApp technologies reduce backup and recovery windows by up to 98% relative to traditional backup, reduce storage requirements by up to 90%, and reduce network bandwidth utilization. With controller-based licensing, customers can grow their environments and keep software licensing costs down.
NetApp & CommVault Partnership
OnCommand Overview
- Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio
OnCommand management software helps your customers to monitor and manage their NetApp storage as well as multi-vendor storage environments, offering cost-effective and efficient solutions for their clustered, virtualized and cloud environments. With OnCommand, our customers are able to optimize utilization and performance, automate and integrate processes, minimize risk and meet their SLAs. Our objective is to simplify the complexity of managing today’s IT infrastructure, and improve the efficiency of storage and service delivery.
Multiple Clustered NetApp Systems
- Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio
Manage and automate your NetApp storage at scale. For your customers who are growing and require a solution to manage multiple clustered NetApp systems, they can turn to OnCommand Unified Manager, Performance Manager, and Workflow Automation. These three products work together to provide a comprehensive solution for today’s software-defined data center. Also your customers can analyze their complex virtualized environment and cloud infrastructure using NetApp OnCommand Balance.
NetApp Storage Management
- Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio
OnCommand Insight (Multi-vendor Storage Management)
- Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio
- Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio
System Manager
- Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio
Many of our NetApp customers start out using OnCommand System Manager for simple, device–level management of individual or clustered systems. System Manager features a simple, browser-based interface with a dashboard, graphical reports, and automated workflows. It is designed to provide effective storage management for virtualized data centers through a simple user interface. For instance, using OnCommand System Manager, a customer was able to simplify storage management and achieve more than 80% storage utilization, while keeping costs low and using less power and space. It also supports the latest features in clustered Data ONTAP, such as High Availability pairs, Quality of Service, and Infinite Volumes.
Unified Manager
- Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio
Performance Manager
- Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio
Workflow Automation
- Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio

- Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio
- Reference: NetApp Training – Fast Track 101: NetApp Portfolio
OnCommand Insight provides your customers with capabilities such as capacity planning, configuration and change management, showback and chargeback reporting, virtual machine optimization, and monitoring to provide added insight into multivendor, multiprotocol shared infrastructures. These analytics help your customer better understand how to optimize the data and storage to help make better decisions, improve efficiency, and reduce costs.
Disk drives from different manufacturers may differ slightly in size even though they belong to the same size category. Right sizing ensures that disks are compatible regardless of manufacturer. Data ONTAP right sizes disks to compensate for different manufacturers producing different raw-sized disks.
More Information
Much has been said about usable disk storage capacity and unfortunately, many of us take the marketing capacity number given by the manufacturer in verbatim. For example, 1TB does not really equate to 1TB in usable terms and that is something you engineers out there should be informing to the customers.
NetApp, ever since the beginning, has been subjected to the scrutiny of the customers and competitors alike about their usable capacity and I intend to correct this misconception. And the key of this misconception is to understand what is the capacity before rightsizing (BR) and after rightsizing (AR).
(Note: Rightsizing in the NetApp world is well documented and widely accepted with different views. It is part of how WAFL uses the disks but one has to be aware that not many other storage vendors publish their rightsizing process, if any)
Before Rightsizing (BR)
First of all, we have to know that there are 2 systems when it comes to system of unit prefixes. These 2 systems can be easily said as
- Base-10 (decimal) – fit for human understanding
- Base-2 (binary) – fit for computer understanding
So according the International Systems of Units, the SI prefixes for Base-10 are:
In computer context, where the binary, Base-2 system is relevant, that SI prefixes for Base-2 are
And we must know that the storage capacity is in Base-2 rather than in Base-10. Computers are not humans.
With that in mind, the next issue are the disk manufacturers. We should have an axe to grind with them for misrepresenting the actual capacity. When they say their HDD is 1TB, they are using the Base-10 system i.e. 1TB = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes. THIS IS WRONG!
Let’s see how that 1TB works out to be in Gigabytes in the Base-2 system:
1,000,000,000/1,073,741,824 = 931.3225746154785 Gigabytes
Note: 2^30 = 1,073,741,824
That result of 1TB, when rounded, is only about 931GB! So, the disk manufacturers aren’t exactly giving you what they have advertised.
Thirdly, and also the most important factor in the BR (Before Rightsizing) phase is how WAFL handles the actual capacity before the disk is produced to WAFL/ONTAP operations. Note that this is all done before all the logical structures of aggregates, volumes and LUNs are created.
In this third point, WAFL formats the actual disks (just like NTFS formats new disks) and this reduces the usable capacity even further. As a starting point, WAFL uses 4K (4,096 bytes) per block.
Note: It appears that the 4K block size is not the issue, it’s the checksum that is the problem.
For Fibre Channel disks, WAFL then formats these blocks as 520 bytes per sector. Therefore, for each block, 8 sectors (520 x 8 = 4160 bytes) fill 1 x 4K block, leaving a remainder of 64 bytes (4,160 – 4,096 = 64 bytes). This additional 64 bytes per block is used as a checksum and is notdisplayed by WAFL or ONTAP and not accounted for in its usable capacity, therefore the capacity seen by users is further reduced.
512 bytes per sector are used for formatting SATA/SAS disks and it consumes 9 sectors (9 x 512 = 4,608 bytes). 8 sectors will be used for WAFL’s 4K per block (4,096/512 = 8 sectors), while the 9th sector (512 bytes) is used partially for its 64 bytes checksum. As with the Fibre Channel disks, the unused 448 bytes (512 – 64 = 448 bytes) in the 9th sector is not displayed and not part of the usable capacity of WAFL and ONTAP.
And WAFL also compensates for the ever-so-slightly irregularities of the hard disk drives even though they are labelled with similar marketing capacities. That is to say that 1TB from Seagate and 1TB from Hitachi will be different in terms actual capacity. In fact, 1TB Seagate HDD with firmware 1.0a (for ease of clarification) and 1TB Seagate HDD with firmware 1.0b (note ‘a’ and ‘b’) could be different in actual capacity even when both are shipped with a 1.0TB marketing capacity label.
So, with all these things in mind, WAFL does what it needs to do – Right Size – to ensure that nothing get screwed up when WAFL uses the HDDs in its aggregates and volumes. All for the right reason – Data Integrity – but often criticized for their “wrongdoing”. Think of WAFL as your vigilante superhero, wanted by the law for doing good for the people.
In the end, what you are likely to get Before Rightsizing (BR) from NetApp for each particular disk capacity would be:
* The size of 34.5GB was for the Fibre Channel Zone Checksum mechanism employed prior to ONTAP version 6.5 of 512 bytes per sector. After ONTAP 6.5, block checksum of 520 bytes per sector was employed for greater data integrity protection and resiliency.
From the table, the percentage of “lost” capacity is shown and to the uninformed, this could look significant. But since the percentage value is relative to the Manufacturer’s Marketing Capacity, this is highly inaccurate. Therefore, competitors should not use these figures as FUD and NetApp should use these as a way to properly inform their customers.
NetApp Figures

RAID & Right Sizing
Part 3 for information on RAID & Right Sizing.
4K Blocks
Volume and Aggregate Reallocation
- Volume Reallocation: Spreads a volume across all disks in an aggregate
- Aggregate Reallocation: Optimises free space in the aggregate by ensuring free space is contiguous.
One of the most misunderstood topics I have seen with NetApp FAS systems is reallocation. There are two types of reallocation that can be run on these systems; one for files and volumes and another for aggregates. The process is run in the background, and although the goal is to optimize placement of data blocks both serve a different purpose. Below is a picture of a 4 disk aggregate with 2 volumes, one orange and one yellow.
If we add a new disk to this aggregate, and we don’t run volume level reallocation all new writes will happen on the area in the aggregate that has the most contiguous free space. As we can see from the picture below this area is the new disk. Since new data is usually the most accessed data you now have this single disk servicing most of your reads and writes. This will create a “hot disk”, and performance issues.
Now if we run a volume reallocation on the yellow volume the data will be spread out across all the disks in the aggregate. The orange volume is still unoptimized and will suffer from the hot disk syndrome until we run a reallocation on it as well.
This is why when adding only a few new disk to an aggregate you must run a volume reallocation against every volume in your aggregate. If you are adding multiple disks to an aggregate (16, 32, etc) it may not be necessary to run the reallocate. Imagine you add 32 disk to a 16 disk aggregate. New writes will go to 32 disk instead of the 16 you had prior so performance will be much better without taking any intervention. As the new disk begin to fill up writes will eventually hit all 48 disks in your aggregate. You could of course speed this process up by running manual reallocation against all volumes in the aggregate.
The other big area of confusion is what an aggregate reallocation actually does. Aggregate reallocation “reallocate -A” will only optimize free space in the aggregate. This will help your system with writes as the easier it is to find contiguous free space the more efficient those operations will be. Take the diagram below as an example of an aggregate that could benefit from reallocation.
This is our expanded aggregate that we only reallocated the yellow volume. We see free space in the aggregate where the blocks were distributed across the other disk. We also see how new writes for the orange volume stacked up on the new disk as that is where we had the most contiguous free space. I wonder if the application owner has been complaining about performance issues with his orange data? The picture below shows us what happens after the aggregate reallocate.
We still have the unoptimized data from the volume we did not reallocate. The only thing the aggregate reallocate did was make the free space in it more contiguous for writing new data. It is easy to see how one could be confused by these similar but different processes, and I hope this helps explain how and why you would use the different types of reallocation.
Zeroing & Sanitising Disks
If a disk has been moved around, or previously had data on it, you’ll need to zero it before it can be re-used. The “disk zero spares” command does the job, depending on the size of the disk will depend on how long it takes, usually no more than 4 hours even for the largest of disks (at time of writing, 1TB disks).
More Information
When drives in a NetApp are being obsoleted and replaced we need to make sure we securely erase all data that used to be on them. Unless you’re just going to crush your disks.
In this example we’ve got an aggregate of 14 disks (aggr0) that need to be wiped and removed from our NetApp so they can be replaced with new, much larger disks.
There are two methods that you can use to wipe disks using your NetApp. The first is to simply delete the aggregate they are a member of, turning them into spares and then running “disk zero spares” from the command line on your NetApp. This only does a single pass and only zero’s the disks. There are arguments I’ve seen where some people say this is enough. I honestly don’t know and we have a requirement to do a 7 pass wipe in our enterprise. You could run the zero command 7 times but I don’t imagine that would be as effective as option number two. The second option is to run the ‘disk sanitize’ command which allows you to specify which disks you want to erase and how many passes to perform. This is what we’re going to use.
The first thing you’ll need to do is get a license for your NetApp to enable the ‘disk sanitize’. It’s a free license (so I’ve been told) and you can contact your sales rep to get one. We got ours for free and I’ve seen forum posts from other NetApp owners saying the same thing.
There is a downside to installing the disk sanitization license. Once it’s installed on a NetApp it cannot be removed. It also restricts the use of three commands once installed:
- dd (to copy blocks of data)
- dumpblock (to print dumps of disk blocks)
- setflag wafl_metadata_visible (to allow access to internal WAFL files)
There are also a few limitations regarding disk sanitization you should know about:
- It is not supported in takeover mode for systems in an HA configuration. (If a storage system is disabled, it remains disabled during the disk sanitization process.)
- It cannot be carried out on disks that were failed due to readability or writability problems.
- It does not perform its formatting phase on ATA drives.
- If you are using the random pattern, it cannot be performed on more than 100 disks at one time.
- It is not supported on array LUNs.
- It is not supported on SSDs.
- If you sanitize both SES disks in the same ESH shelf at the same time, you see errors on the console about access to that shelf, and shelf warnings are not reported for the duration of the sanitization. However, data access to that shelf is not interrupted.
I’ve also read that you shouldn’t sanitize more then 6 disks at once. I’m going to sanitize our disks in batches of 5, 5 and 4 (14 total). I’ve also read you do not want to sanitize disks across shelves at the same time.
Fractional Reserve
Information on Fractional Reserve:
As per the following links, Fractional Reserve should be disabled for LUNs:
Snap Reserve
Snapshot copy reserve sets a specific percent of the disk space for storing Snapshot copies. If the Snapshot copies exceed the reserve space, they spill into the active file system and this process is called snapreserveSnapshot spill.
The Snapshot copy reserve must have sufficient space allocated for the Snapshot copies. If the Snapshot copies exceeds the reserve space, you must delete the existing Snapshot copies from the active file system to recover the space, for the use of the file system. You can also modify the percent of disk space that is allotted to Snapshot copies.
The Snapshot copy reserve sets a specific percent of the disk space for Snapshot copies. For traditional volumes, the default Snapshot copy reserve is set to 20 percent of the disk space. For FlexVol volumes, the default Snapshot copy reserve is set to 5 percent of the disk space.
The active file system cannot consume the Snapshot copy reserve space, but the Snapshot copy reserve, if exhausted, can use space in the active file system.
Can NetApp Snapshots be used as Backups?
Backups serve two functions.
First and foremost, they’re there to allow you to recover your data if it becomes unavailable. In this sense, snapshots are not backups. If you lose data on the filer (volume deletion, storage corruption, firmware error, etc.), all snapshots for that data are gone as well.
Secondly, and far more commonly, backups are used to correct for routine things like accidental deletions. In this use case, snapshots are backups. They’re arguably one of the best ways to provide this kind of recovery, because they make the earlier versions of the data available directly to the users or their
OS as a .snapshot hidden directory that they can directly read their file from.
No retention policy
That said, while we have snapshots and use them extensively, we still do nightly incrementals on Netbackup to tape or data domain. The reason is that snapshots can not reliably uphold a retention policy. If you tell users that they will be able to back up from a daily granularity for a week then a weekly granularity for a month, you can’t keep that promise with snapshots.
On a Netapp volume with snapshots, deleted data contained in a snapshot occupies “snap reserve” space. If the volume isn’t full and you’ve configured it this way, you can also push past that snapshot reserve and have snapshots that occupy some of the unused data space. If the volume fills up, though, all the snapshots but the ones supported by data in the reserved space will get deleted. Deletion of snapshots is determined only by available snapshot space, and if it needs to delete snapshots that are required for your retention policy, it will.
Consider this situation:
A full volume with regular snapshots and a 2 week retention requirement.
Assume half of the reserve in use for snapshots based on the normal rate of change.
Someone deletes a lot of data (more than the snapshot reserve), drastically increasing the rate of change, temporarily.
At this point, your snapshot reserve is completely used, as is as much of the data free space you’ve allowed OnTap to use for snapshots, but you haven’t lost any snapshots yet. As soon as someone fills the volume back up with data, though, you’ll lose all the snapshots contained in the data section, which will push your recovery point back to the time just after the large deletion.
Netapp snapshots don’t cover you against real data loss. An errant deleted volume or data loss on the filer will require you to rebuild data.
They are a very simple and elegant way to allow for simple routine restores, but they aren’t reliable enough that they replace a real backup solution. Most of the time, they’ll make routine restores simple and painless, but when they’re not available, you are exposed.
Volume Snap Reserve
The Snapshot copy reserve sets a specific percent of the disk space for Snapshot copies. For traditional volumes, the default Snapshot copy reserve is set to 20 percent of the disk space. For FlexVol volumes, the default Snapshot copy reserve is set to 5 percent of the disk space.
The active file system cannot consume the Snapshot copy reserve space, but the Snapshot copy reserve, if exhausted, can use space in the active file system. (See “Snapshot Spill” below for more information).
Aggregate Snap Reserve
An aggregate Snapshot copy is a point-in-time, read-only image of an aggregate. You use aggregate Snapshot copies when the contents of an entire aggregate need to be recorded.
An aggregate Snapshot copy is similar to a volume Snapshot copy, except that it captures the contents of the entire aggregate, rather than any particular volume. Also, you do not restore data directly from an aggregate Snapshot copy. To restore data, you use a volume Snapshot copy.
How you use aggregate Snapshot copies depends on whether you use the SyncMirror or MetroCluster functionality.
Note: The default size of the aggregate Snapshot reserve is 5 percent of the aggregate size. For example, if the size of your aggregate is 500
GB, then 25
GB is set aside for aggregate Snapshot copies.
Note: Unlike volume Snapshot copies, aggregate Snapshot copies cannot consume any space outside of their Snapshot reserve, if automatic aggregate Snapshot copy deletion is enabled. If automatic aggregate Snapshot copy deletion is disabled, then aggregate Snapshot copiescan consume space outside of their Snapshot reserve.
As per this page, Aggregate Snapshots aren’t used very often. As seen in the comments, people prefer using Volume Snapshots instead.
Snapshot Spill
Understanding the Snapshot reserve area of a FlexVol volume or Infinite Volume and what Snapshot spill is can help you correctly size the Snapshot reserve. For FlexVol volumes, it can help you decide whether to enable the Snapshot autodelete capability.
When Snapshot copies use more space than the Snapshot reserve, they spill over and use space in the active file system. The Snapshot reserve area of a volume is the space reserved exclusively for Snapshot copies. It is not available to the user data or metadata area of the volume. The size of the Snapshot reserve is a specified percentage of the current volume size, and does not depend on the number of Snapshot copies or how much space they consume.
If all of the space allotted for the Snapshot reserve is used but the active file system (user data and metadata) is not full, Snapshot copies can use more space than the Snapshot reserve and spill into the active file system. This extra space is called Snapshot spill.
The following illustration shows a FlexVol volume with no Snapshot spill occurring. The two blocks on the left show the volume’s used and available space for user data and metadata. The two blocks on the right show the used and unused portions of the Snapshot reserve. When you modify the size of the Snapshot reserve, it is the blocks on the right that change.
The following illustration shows a FlexVol volume with Snapshot spill occurring. The Snapshot reserve area is full and Snapshot copies spilling over into a Spill area that is part of the user data and metadata area’s available space. The size of the Snapshot reserve remains the same.
Why Managing Snapshot Reserve is Important
This post is essentially a continuation of Understanding NetApp Snapshots (was thinking to call it part II except this subject deserves its own title!) Here we’ll see what happens when snapshots exceed their snapshot reserve, and what can potentially happen if snapshots are allowed to build up too much.
At the end of the aforementioned post, we had our 1024MB volume with 0MB file-system space used, and 20MB of snapshot reserve used. The volume has a 5% snapshot reserve (for completeness: it is also thin-provisioned/space-guarantee=none, and has a 0% fractional reserve.)
Filesystem total used avail capacity
/vol/cdotshare/ 972MB 0MB 972MB 0%
/vol/cdotshare/.snapshot 51MB 20MB 30MB 40%
Our client sees an empty volume (share) of size 972MB (95% of 1024MB).
Image: Empty Share
What does the client see if we increase the snapshot reserve to 20%?
::> volume modify cdotshare -percent-snapshot-space 20
Image: Empty Share but less user visible space due to increased snapshot reserve
Our client sees the volume size has reduced to 819MB (80% of 1024MB).
So, we now have 204MB of snapshot reserve with 20MB of that reserve used.
::> df -megabyte cdotshare
Filesystem total used avail capacity
/vol/cdotshare/ 819MB 0MB 819MB 0%
/vol/cdotshare/.snapshot 204MB 21MB 183MB 10%
What happens if we overfill the snapshot reserve to say 200% (408MB) by adding data, creating snapshot, and then deleing all the data? What does the client see?
Step 1: Add ~380MB to the share via the client
Step 2: Take a snapshot
::> snapshot create cdotshare -snapshot snap04 -vserver vs1
Step 3: Using the client, delete everything in the share so the additional 380MB is also locked in snapshots
So, our snapshot capacity is now at 200% (that’s twice its reserve) and the “df” output shows there’s only 613MB available user capacity.
Filesystem total used avail capacity
/vol/cdotshare/ 819MB 205MB 613MB 25%
/vol/cdotshare/.snapshot 204MB 410MB 0MB 200%
The 613MB available user capacity is confirmed via the client, even though volume is actually empty.
Image: Share now occupied but not by active file-system data
Image: The share says it is empty!
If you ever get questions like “my volume’s empty but something’s using up my space – what is it?” now you know what the answer might be – snapshots going over their reserve!
::> snapshot show cdotshare
Vserver Volume Snapshot State Size Total% Used%
-------- ------- ----------- -------- -------- ------ -----
vs1 cdotshare
snap01 valid 92KB 0% 15%
snap02 valid 20.61MB 2% 98%
snap03 valid 184.5MB 18% 100%
snap04 valid 205MB 20% 100%
To take it to the furthest, I could completely fill up the volume with snapshots (by adding data, taking a snapshot, deleting data) and then there’s no space for any active file-system – that is – the user will see an empty but completely full volume! Or – better put – a volume empty of active user data but otherwise full due to snapshot retention of past changes/deletions.
Image: Empty but completely full volume!
Filesystem total used avail capacity
/vol/cdotshare/ 819MB 818MB 0MB 100%
/vol/cdotshare/.snapshot 204MB 1022MB 0MB 499%
What are (some) ways to manage snapshots?
1) The volume should be sized correctly for the amount of data that’s going to go in it (keeping in mind the need for growth), and the snapshot reserve should be of a size that will contain the changes (deletions/block modifications) over the retention period required.
2) The snapshot policy should be set appropriately:
::> volume modify -vserver VSERVER -volume VOLUME -snapshot-policy POLICY
Note: Changing the snapshot policy will require manual deletion of snapshots that were controlled by the previous policy.
3) Consider making using of these space and snapshot management features:
::> volume modify -vserver VSERVER -volume VOLUME -?
-autosize {true|false}
-max-autosize {integer(KB/MB/GB/TB/PB)}
-autosize-increment {integer(KB/MB/GB/TB/PB)}
-space-mgmt-try-first {volume_grow/snap_delete}
Monitoring, Events and Alerting
OnCommand Unified Manager (OCUM) is available and free to use – OCUM can monitor your snapshot reserve utilization levels and much more!
Finally – Fractional Reserve
Going back to our example, what would it look like if we set the fractional reserve to 100%?
The answer is no different:
::> volume modify -vserver vs1 -volume cdotshare -fractional-reserve 100%
::> df -megabyte cdotshare
Filesystem total used avail capacity
/vol/cdotshare/ 819MB 818MB 0MB 100%
/vol/cdotshare/.snapshot 204MB 1022MB 0MB 499%
The volume is still full of snapshot with no space for active filesystem data!
See the following pages for more information:
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