Step by step procedure on how to import NetBackup
backup images via the NetBackup Administration Console GUI.
Importing media requires a 2 step process, first a Phase
1 import must be run followed by a Phase 2 import.
- The Phase 1 import
procedure assigns the media to the Media Server in the EMM database, and
reads the media to create a HEADER file in the ImageDB for each backup found. If
the backup image being imported spans media, a Phase 1 needs to be performed on
ALL media before running the Phase 2.
NOTE: The Phase 1 option is referred
too as "Initiate Import" in the NetBackup Administration GUI.
- The Phase 2 reads the media more
thoroughly and creates the FILES file in the images database. The FILES file
contains a list of all the files contained in the backup image.
The screen shots below will help identify the steps involved with importing a image.
1. Under the Catalog section of the console, select Actions -> Initiate Import.
2. Enter the Media ID and Media Server in the Initiate Import box.
3. After the Phase 1 has been completed on all media, select the criteria in which to search for backup
image(s) produced during the phase 1 import. The main search parameters will be the media ID and/or a date time range covering the backup date. Press Search Now to find the backup image(s) available for Phase 2 import.
4. Select/highlight one or more of the backup image(s) available for importing, right click on the backup
image(s) and select Import (Do not select "initiate import" again). This section of the import may take as long as the original backup (perhaps longer if the backups were multiplexed).
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